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The history of The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. is the history of entrepreneurship development in Tarnów in the 21st century. The signing of the letter of intent in 1998 about the establishment of The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. gave an impulse to consolidate investment lands, to improve them and build a transportation network as well as to create a professional offer for investors. Since that time, The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. has been attracting investors, supporting them, creating best solutions and good business practices.



Zakończenie realizacji projektu

„Promocja potencjału gospodarczego subregionu tarnowskiego w kraju i na arenie międzynarodowej”



100% wynajęty Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości

Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości został w pełni wynajęty.



Rozpoczęcie realizacji projektu

„Promocja potencjału gospodarczego subregionu tarnowskiego w kraju i na arenie międzynarodowej”



Establishment of Business Incubator

Business Incubator (BI) is located in the Economic Activity Zone within the premises of former Zakłady Mechaniczne. This is the first facility in Tarnów, in which, at preferential prices, there are areas available for entrepreneurs who start their business activity or have been conducting their business activity for no more than two years. Renovation of the building and creation of BI are a part of EAZ III project implemented by the Commune of the City of Tarnów. The cost of implementation of the Business Incubator was PLN 21 million. Co-funding from the Regional Operational Programme for Lesser Poland (pl. Małopolskie) Voivodeship for 2007-2013 amounted to PLN 9 million.



Completion and acceptance of the task entitled: “Expansion of the Economic Activity Zone in Tarnów - stage III.”



Completion and acceptance of the task entitled: “Expansion of the Economic Activity Zone in Tarnów - stage II.”

Completion and acceptance of the task entitled: “Expansion of the Economic Activity Zone in Tarnów - stage II” implemented under the Regional Operational Programme for Lesser Poland (pl. Małopolskie) Voivodeship for 2007-2013, Priority Axis 4. Infrastructure for economic development, Measure 4.3. Creation and development of economic activity zones, Chart B: economic activity zones with an area exceeding 20 ha from the European Regional Development Fund.



Completion and acceptance of the task entitled: “Expansion of the Economic Activity Zone in Tarnów - stage I.”



Change of the Company’s name into The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C.



Signing of preliminary agreement

The signing of a preliminary agreement between Zakłady Azotowe Tarnów - Mościce S.A., the President of the City of Tarnów, Tarnowska Grupowa Oczyszczalnia Ścieków and Tarnowski Klaster Przemysłowy on the creation of Regional Industrial Park in Tarnów.



Adoption of resolution by the City Council in Tarnów

Adoption of a resolution by the City Council in Tarnów on the creation of a branch of the Special Economic Zone in the city.



Establishment of The Tarnow Industrial Cluster “Plastikowa Dolina” J.S.C.



Letter of intent to create The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C.

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