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Projekty Unijne

About the project

This project has been funded with a support of the European Union. The main goal is to increase the potential of the Tarnow Subregion and to create a business network. Project budget: 821 141,17 PLN.

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C.

The project "Promotion of the economic potential of the Tarnow Subregion locally and internationally” was implemented under the Regional Operational Programme for Malopolska for 2014-2020, Priority axis 3 "The Entrepreneurial Malopolska", Measure 3.3 The Internationalisation of Malopolska Economy, Submeasure 3.3.1. The Economic Promotion of Malopolska.

Project value: 821 141,17 PLN
Contribution from European Funds: 674 686,11 PLN

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. participated in the project in coordination with the leader the Malopolska Chamber of Local Government Foundation and the partner the Municipality of Brzesko.


Project description:

The project was directed to the companies interested in expanding their business contact networks and concentrating their activities on the internationalization process.
Start date: 11/2016, conclusion date: 11/2018.

The basic deliverable was to increase the interest of the investment offer of Malopolska Region, to create the image of Tarnow and Tarnow Subregion as a good business location among the potential Polish and foreign entrepreneurs, to create the database of investment offers, and to support the entrepreneurs in the local and international field.

The information and promotion activities consisted of:
1. Development and implementation of visual identification,
2. Creation of an integrated, multilingual website of the Tarnow Subregion www.tarnowskie.biz.pl with a database of investment offers serving as a platform for information exchange and presenting an interactive map of investment offers,
3. Analyzes of the export potential of the Tarnów Subregion in leading and prospective sectors of the economy as well as analyzes of selected foreign markets,
4. Organization of the visit of foreign journalists,
5. Participation in business forums and exhibition events in Poland and abroad,
6. Organization of an international conference in Brussels presenting the economic potential of the Tarnów Subregion.

The main goal behind the project was to promote the potential of the subregion and to create the local business network. Creating an integrated, multilingual website of the Tarnow Subregion with the database of investment offers and taking part in various fairs, exhibitions and other events as well as all the promotional activities influenced on the number of investments and expanded the business contact networks.

The multilingual website www.tarnowskie.biz.pl has been awarded in the MEDAL EXPO SILESIA INDUSTRY meeting 2018 competition. The website has been recognized for using an innovative way of associating business partners.

A film promoting the potential of the Tarnow Subregion has been published in two language versions. The spot in an attractive form shows key entrepreneurs from the Tarnow Subregion, investment areas, natural beauty and cultural resources.

At the invitation of the Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C., on March 15-17, 2018, representatives of the media from Ukraine, Germany, France and Austria hosted the City of Tarnów. The Economic Activity Zone has been visited by visitors, where entrepreneurs operating in the Business Incubator and the economic zone in Brzesko showed their business. The visit of foreign journalists gave the opportunity to understand better the diversity of the Subregion by representatives of other countries. It was an excellent and well-used opportunity for networking: conversations and making business contacts, both with foreign journalists and between Polish entrepreneurs.
As a result of the visit, a number of articles were published abroad showing the attractiveness of this area, especially in economic terms.

An event that influenced the image of the Tarnow Subregion abroad was the visit of a delegation of entrepreneurs and local government in Brussels.
The conference "Lesser Poland - it is worth investing here" influenced the promotion of the economic and cultural potential of the Subregion and allowed to present mutual expectations.

As a part of the project, entrepreneurs were offered free information support in the form of advisory meetings.
They were interested in analyzing their business in terms of supporting export activity, verifying the requirements of the foreign market, developing the company's offer, the offers of financing, and exploring paths to reach potential customers and developing strategies.
66 entrepreneurs from the Tarnow Subregion benefited from the series of advisory meetings.

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