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Economic Activity Zone

Economic Activity Zone

The Economic Activity Zone (EAZ) is one of the most important, pro-development investment projects implemented in Tarnów.

EAZ constitutes approx 90 ha of well-connected areas, with full infrastructure and fully improved, creating an attractive whole for investors. Some of those areas benefit from the privileges of Special Economic Zone. By means of new and reconstructed roads and roundabouts, EAZ is connected with key circulation routes running nearby: A4 motorway, national road no. 4, voivodeship road no. 977 and national road no. 73.

The expansion of “Mechaniczne” EAZ involved the comprehensive development of the areas of the Economic Activity Zone by means of construction of a public road with associated infrastructure.

This project was implemented in industrial areas in the western part of the city.

Owing to the implementation of the project entitled: “Expansion of the Business Activity Zone in Tarnów”, a road was built which will connect two important traffic arteries in the city i.e. Mościckiego Street and Krakowska Street.

All works contributed to the consolidation and expansion of the “Mechaniczne” Business Activity Zone and significantly improved investment attractiveness as well as access to the areas of this zone.

Stages of the project

Project website http://sag.itarnow.pl.




Business Incubator

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Mechaniczne Industrial Park

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Business Incubator - ground floor

The Business Incubator is a new place in Tarnów where areas for entrepreneurs who are just starting their business activity or have been operating for not more than two years are available at preferential rates.ul. Rozwojowa 28Tarnów 33-100, Polska

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Budynek przy ul. Kochanowskiego 32

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