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Kierunek mapy - Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości

Proposal of the plot in “Czysta” Industrial Park zone 200.

Provisions of the Local Spatial Development Plan

The plot of land located in the area with a symbol:

P-1 - areas for production facilities and technological parks, for which the following is established:

1.Land use:

  1. primary – production facilities, technological parks;

  2. complementary – warehouses, storage facilities, wholesale trade, logistics centers;

2.Principles of building development and land development:

  1. locating commercial facilities with a sales area exceeding 2000 m² is prohibited,

  2. combining functions in one building is allowed,

  3. locating administrative buildings for the needs of implemented projects is allowed,

  4. garage function in the form integrated into a production building, warehouse, storage, wholesale trade building, or in the form of free standing buildings,

  5. in the case of storage function realization in the form of yards, their area cannot exceed 40% of the building plot area,

  6. land development taking into account § 7 point 6 (Resolution No. LXXXII/773/2023 of the City Council of Tarnów, dated on February 23, 2023),

  7. non-exceedable building lines – in accordance with the plan drawing,

  8. minimum biologically active area – 15% of the building plot area,

  9. maximum building coverage – 70% of the building plot area,

  10. minimum building intensity index – 0.01,

  11. maximum building intensity index – 1.5,

  12. maximum building height – 13 m,

  13. maximum building height of 20 m for production facilities is allowed if such necessity arises from technological processes or technical requirements related to the conducted activity,

  14. the realization of point objects for the needs of conducted activities such as silos, masts, chimneys, etc. with a maximum height of 25 m above ground level, is allowed.

 Ground Surface area [ha] - 0,7278 hectares

Information regarding land property -  The plot of land with the registration number: 

1/142 – 0,7278 hectares

Characteristics of the plot :

  • Flat, undeveloped land.

  • Plot of irregular shape.

  • At its narrowest point, in the northern part, it is approx. 19 m wide, then it widens towards the east (Beckera Street) to approx. 52 m.

Technical Infrastructure:

  • The area is equipped with the following utilities along the main roads: water supply and sewage network.

  • Additionally, the plot has an access to the following: electricity and gas network, the parameters of which will be specified on the basis of a written request to their suppliers after determining the size of demand.


Tarnowski Klaster Przemysłowy S.A.

(The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C.)

Additional Information:

  • The area is attractively located in the immediate vicinity of companies and industrial plants and is well communicated.

  • The plot is located approximately 4 km from the city center, near the provincial road no. 973; 7 km from the A4 motorway junction "Tarnów-Zachód," and 8 km from the A4 motorway junction "Tarnów-Północ.

  • About 5,8 km south of the property runs the national road no. 73 (Kielce-Jasło).

Czysta Industrial Park

This Park is located at Czysta Street. It consists of investment lands of GREENFIELD type with the possibility of benefiting from the privileges of SEZ.

The following companies are established here:
- Becker Farby Przemysłowe Sp. z o.o.,
- PPH MOSKITO, UNIPRESS poligrafia s.c., Elmark – Tarnów,
- DHL Express Poland Sp. z o.o.,
- Zakład Elementów Konstrukcyjnych Sp. z o.o.,
- Summit Packaging Polska Sp. z o.o.,
- KON-INS-BUD Montaż Sp. z o.o.

Write to us

If you are interested please contact us using the online contact form or by phone +48 14 627 75 94.

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