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New place on the business map of Tarnow

28 / 09 / 2020

From September 14, 2020, the Tarnow Industrial Cluster provides information services regarding the investment offer in the newly established Tarnowskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości (the Tarnow Business Centre) at Wałowa Street 10.

Its idea is to create a place where entrepreneurs can use a range of services related to running and developing business activities.

Representatives of individual institutions will conduct activities aimed at supporting entrepreneurship and act as the first contact institution for entrepreneurs. The idea of ​​creating the Center is to provide comprehensive assistance to entrepreneurs, not only those who have been operating in Tarnow for years, but also those who are starting their business in the field of information, forms of support or formalities related to starting and running a business.


The coordinator of the Tarnow Business Centre is the Economic Development Department of Tarnow City Hall  and the Tarnow Industrial Cluster, in the part concerning business environment institutions. The partner of the Tarnow Business Centre is the Polish Chamber of Commerce.

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster - Information Point

Range of services:

  • Information on the investment offer, managed by TKP SA;
  • Investor services.

Operating Room - Stand No. 6

Opening hours: Monday - Friday; hours: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm

tel. +48 696 565 271

e-mail: sekretariat@tkp.com.pl



Legal advice (civil law and commercial law for individuals engaged in economic activities and other entrepreneurs doing business on a small scale) *

Legal advice only covers pre-trial cases and concerns:

  • information about applicable regulations and about the rights and obligations of a given entrepreneur;
  • indicating to the person how to solve his legal problem;
  • assistance in drawing up a draft letter to the extent necessary to provide the assistance, with the exception of pleadings in pending preparatory or court proceedings and pleadings in pending administrative court proceedings.


* Legal advice does not include cases in the field of criminal law, international law, tax law and the preparation of pleadings, applications, lawsuits, etc.

Room No. 7

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday;  hours: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

tel.  +48 696 565 271

e-mail: sekretariat@tkp.com.pl





Good communication with the business environment, local government, associations, non-governmental organisations, media representatives and residents of Tarnów and its region requires continuous updating of relevant information. TKP S.A. keeps everyone updated regarding all of its activities relevant to the aforementioned environments.

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