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The Tarnow Industrial Cluster received a prestigious title - "Forbes Diamond Award".

12 / 03 / 2021

Forbes Diamond Award

We are pleased to announce that the Tarnow Industrial Cluster has been appreciated by the editors of the Polish "Forbes" and has been listed among the fastest growing companies in Poland.

Forbes Diamond

Source: https://www.forbes.pl/

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster received a prestigious title -  "Forbes Diamond Award".

- I am very glad that the effects of our activity have been noticed - says Robert Wardzała, President of the Tarnow Industrial Cluster - The assessment prepared by the research company Bisnode takes into account factors such as the credibility and risk of cooperation. Companies that have demonstrated the highest efficiency obtained a positive rating and have been selected as Forbes Diamonds.

To be listed in the ranking published for the 13th time by the well-known economic "Forbes", the company was to demonstrate a high current liquidity and non-arrears on payment. The list includes companies that increased their value the fastest in the last three years. The list was prepared on the basis of the financial statements submitted to the National Court Register. Then the best companies were divided into three categories - depending on the revenues in the last financial year.

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster was awarded in the category of companies with revenues at the level of PLN 5 to 50 million, in the middle of the Małopolska ranking.

- Our success is the result of a very good cooperation with the city authorities, and above all, long-term decisions on the implementation of the largest Business Incubator in Malopolska Region, and the following stages of the project "Mechaniczne" Economic Activity Zones in Tarnow - emphasizes Robert Wardzała, President of the Tarnow Industrial Cluster.

There were 324 companies awarded this year in Malopolska Region. Although the half of the winners are located in Cracow and nearby, many companies from Tarnow have won the prestigious award. One of them was listed on the 2nd place on the podium.

- This is another reason to be proud of the wise investment decisions of local entrepreneurs - says Robert Wardzała - I would like to congratulate everyone who was awarded. I do so with the greater joy as some of them cooperate with the Tarnow Industrial Cluster on an ongoing basis.


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