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The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. as the patron of the conference.

20 / 05 / 2022

The IX Conference of Students' Scientific Circles "Society of the 21st century in student research" took place under the patronage of the Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. (T.I.C J.S.C.)

The inaugural lecture at the auditorium of the University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow (UAS Tarnow)  was delivered by Robert Wardzała, president of the Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. He spoke about "The role of  business environment institutions in process of building the economic potential of Tarnow."

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. systematically cooperates with the economic and administrative department of the University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow, supporting its various initiatives. For President Robert Wardzała, it was also another meeting with students interested in issues related to broadly understood entrepreneurship and economic experiences, which are the participation of companies operating in investment areas administered by the TIC J.S.C.

- We are glad that young people are interested in business and are bind the future with it - says President of the Management Board, Robert Wardzała - Meeting them is challenging. I am responding to their expectations by presenting the practitioner's point of view. I rely on my own experience as well as on the examples of companies located within the Economic Activity Zone, Business Incubator and industrial parks.

The conference was traditionally combined with Student Paper Contest. The jury evaluating the works was chaired by President of the Management Board, Robert Wardzała.


Source: the Tarnow Industrial Cluster


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