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Two new investments at Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.s.c.

26 / 05 / 2022

Two further investments are planned in the area of Tarnow Industrial Cluster - in the "Czysta" Industrial Park and the "Mechaniczne" Economic Activity Zone. Two local companies have bought plots of land  there.

A construction company is going to construct a production and service building on a plot of less than 50 ares within the Economic Activity Zone (EAZ). The other investment in the "Czysta" Industrial Park is planned by an entrepreneur who has been operating in the cluster since 2010. The company produces and sells elements for frame window and door mosquito screens.

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. has some more plots of land for sale.

-These are plots of various size - says President of the Management Board, Robert Wardzała - so I hope they will soon find new owners, too. There is interest in investing in our industrial parks and within the Economic Activity Zone (EAZ). We do our best to ensure that entrepreneurs have good conditions for developing their business.


source: the Tarnow Industrial Cluster


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