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Delegates from Ukraine in the Business Incubator in Tarnow.

21 / 11 / 2017

On November 17, 2017 the Tarnow Industrial Cluster cordially hosted a delegation from Ukraine in the Business Incubator in Tarnow.

The representatives of the Chernihiv Regional Development Agency, the Chernihiv Regional Development Department, the Zhytomir Regional Council and the Ternopil Entrepreneurship Support Center visited Tarnow at the invitation of the Tarnow Regional Development Agency.

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster prepared a brief presentation presenting the Business  Incubator and presented the main tasks of the Tarnow Industrial Cluster, including  some activities within the project "Promotion of the economic potential of the Tarnow Subregion locally and internationally" Nr RPMP.03.03.01-12-0109/16.

The guests were encouraged to promote the project among the entrepreneurs in their countries. The meeting was an opportunity to show the potential of the Tarnow Subregion and the city of Tarnow, to exchange experiences and views.

A multilingual website of the Tarnow Subregion www.tarnowskie.biz.pl, with the database of investment offers and the potential of enterprises and local governments was presented during the meeting. The website serves as a platform for exchanging information and presenting some investment offers on the interactive map. Delegates were keen on to provide the information about the website to the entrepreneurs in Ukraine.

Thanks to the multilingual website, many comapnies will gain more power to conduct their businesses, potential foreign partners will get an opportunity to contact Polish comapnies and to present their offers to the local entrepreneurs. At the next part of the visit, a short advertising spot showing the potential of the Tarnow Subregion was presented.

The visit included also a B2B meeting with one of the companies operating in the Business Incubator - the company Modus Pack providing a wide range of packaging materiala like LDPE films, STRETCH films, HQL wrapping tapes. The basic characteristics of the company's offer are their speed and precision of deliveries, the quality of the products, low prices aimed at increasing the level of competition and the aesthetics of their products.

The President of the Management Board Mr. Ryszard Czerniak told the participants about  benefits of conducting business in the Business Incubator, plans for the further company's development.


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