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Report on the meeting with entrepreneurs of the Tarnow Subregion.

24 / 11 / 2017

On November 21, 2017 an information meeting was organized in Małopolska Provincial Branch Office in Tarnow discussing the possibility of promoting the economic potential of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Tarnow Subregion locally and internationally.

The meeting was organized in the partnership of 3 institutions: the Tarnow Industrial Cluster, the Municipality of Brzesko and the Malopolska Chamber of Local Government, implementing the project "Promotion of the economic potential of the Tarnow Subregion locally and internationally" (RPMP.03.03.01-12-0109/16) under the Regional Operational Program for Malopolska for the years 2014-2020.

The purpose of the meeting was, among others, to present to entrepreneurs the possibility of promoting their business offers on the multilingual website www.tarnowskie.biz.pl. It has been shown that the website serves as a tool to acquire a potential business partner. Companies that place their offers in the website database will gain more power and chance to present the offers outside the local market. The website is also a great source of information on the Tarnow subregion. The news section is being constantly updated and in the e-publication section various types of economic and business topics are being discussed such as the analyzes of foreign markets (Benelux, Spain, Germany, Ukraine).

Participants of the meeting were also invited to take advantage of free business advice. The entrepreneurs eager to learn about establishing business contacts, initiating and developing export activities can get helpful advice. Companies will get advice on forms of acquiring business partners or the possibility of funds for grant support.

Another point of the meeting was to discuss the conference promoting the economic potential of the Tarnow Subregion in Brussels, planned for spring 2018. The conference will be held with the participation of representatives of local governments, business environment institutions and local entrepreneurs. The event will be a great opportunity for companies to establish direct contacts with business representatives in Brussels, to promote their business abroad and to get acquainted with the offers of potential foreign partners.


Good communication with the business environment, local government, associations, non-governmental organisations, media representatives and residents of Tarnów and its region requires continuous updating of relevant information. TKP S.A. keeps everyone updated regarding all of its activities relevant to the aforementioned environments.

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