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TKP as the Leader of Małopolska 2015

21 / 03 / 2016

Zdjęcie TKP as the Leader of Małopolska 2015

Tarnowski Klaster Przemysłowy was awarded the honourable and prestigious title of the “Leader of Małopolska - The Best Project of 2015 in Małopolska” by the Association of Communes and Poviats in Małopolska.

– We received this title for the creation of the largest Business Incubator in Małopolska. The City of Tarnów received the same - says Magdalena Gadecka-Bukało, the President of TKP S.A. – This award is a great honour for us and, at the same time, a considerable motivation for everyday hard work. It is also a signal to investors that the Business Incubator in Tarnów is a place just for them.

The award ceremony was held on 18th March in Cracow at John Paul II Centre during a conference summarising the sixteenth “Best Project of the Year in Małopolska” contest.

Apart from the winners, the conference was attended by Filip Grzegorczyk, Deputy Minister of the State Treasury; Jacek Krupa, Marshal of Lesser Poland Voivodeship (pl. Małopolskie Voivodeship); representatives of the Voivode of Lesser Poland Voivodeship; representatives of the President of Cracow and Kazimierz Barczyk, Head of the Association of Communes and Poviats in Małopolska.


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