The grand finale of the "Let's get it!" game.
07 / 05 / 2018
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The final of the 2nd edition of the "Let's get it!" game organized on April, 24th Mrs. by Barbara Partyńska-Brzegowy, Student Scientific Club Manager operating at the Institute of Administration and Economics of the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów and Tarnowski Klaster Przemysłowy S.A. (the Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C.) has been already held.
The winners are: Ewa Judasz and Marcin Nasiadka.
9 teams entered the competition. 13 posts were located within the campus, where players were asked to solve some tasks on starting a business and the theme of entrepreneurship. The teams received points for each correctly executed task. For the three teams, that finished the game the fastest, there was a bonus in the form of additional points.
TKP S.A. prepared for the participants one of the post, where the participants were to solve, among others, a quiz on the knowledge of investment areas and the possibility of starting and developing a business in Tarnów.
Numerous prizes in the form of money bills and promotional materials for PWSZ in Tarnów and Tarnowski Klaster Przemysłowy S.A. were waiting for the participants.
See the other report