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Promotion of various companies from the Tarnow Subregion at the AUTOMATICA fair in Munich 19-22.06.2018

25 / 06 / 2018

The Tarnow Industrial Cluster successfully promoted the entrepreneurs from the Tarnow Subregion at the AUTOMATICA fair in Munich, which took place on 19-22.06.2018. There were a few days of talks, meetings, networking, promotion of Subregion's investment offer, offers of companies and a database of cooperation offers of the www.tarnowskie.biz.pl.

The activity was implemented under the project "Promotion of the economic potential of the Tarnow Subregion locally and internationally" (RPMP.03.03.01-12-0109/16). The Tarnow Industrial Cluster presented the offer of companies of the Tarnow Subregion, actively seeking cooperators and investors who would like to cooperate with enterprises in Poland, especially those operating in the subregion.

The purpose of participation in the fair was to present the potential of the companies of the Tarnow Subregion, to establish new business contacts with representatives of other companies and to promote a multilingual economic portal. Entrepreneurs interested in establishing cooperation, seeking cooperators were encouraged to register and to promotion their offers at www.tarnowskie.biz.pl.

Participation in the event gave a great opportunity to learn about the latest solutions in the field of automation and robotics. It was a time of establishing business contacts, drawing inspiration from a meeting with the latest technological solutions presented by global brands, which in the coming years have a chance to start a new industrial revolution. In addition, it was also an opportunity for companies to look for new solutions that Polish companies can apply in their operations.

The combination of various industries makes the international AUTOMATICA trade fair an excellent platform for the exchange of information, experience and opinions, which provides exhibitors with not only the opportunity to meet current and potential customers, but also to gain new orders.

Come with us to the world of robotics and automation! Have a look at the pictures in the gallery.


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