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Free Support for Entrepreneurs!

25 / 01 / 2017

The support will be aimed at the comprehensive promotion for entrepreneurs and municipalities of the Tarnow Subregion. There will be a multilingual website with the database of investment offers and the potential of businesses and local governments created on the purpose of the project. An image campaign will be carried out, as well as a specialized counseling for entrepreneurs. What is important, the support will be offered for free!

The activities mentioned are carried out within the framework of the EU project "Promotion of an economic potential of the Tarnow Subregion localy and internationally." The project is implemented under the Malopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2014-2020, priority "The Entrepreneurial Malopolska" by the project leader Malopolska Chamber of Local Government Foundation and its partners Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C. and the Municipality of Brzesko.

 The main objectives of the project are as follows: to present the offers of the companies representing complementary business profiles, to build a transparent, trust-based cooperation and to expand the export of products and services. What is more, the aim is to build an image of the subregion as a good location for business.

The goals will be achieved by:

- creating an integrated, multilingual website of the Tarnow Subregion with the database of investment offers and the potential of enterprises and local governments, as well as an interactive map presenting some investment offers. The website will serve as a platform for exchange of important information,

- organizing a support meetings for the entrepreneurs keen on establishing some business contacts locally and internationally,

- taking part in various fairs, exhibitions and other events,

- organizing the visit of foreign journalists and the conference in Brussels to promote the potential of the subregion.

The project is directed to the companies interested in expanding their business contact networks and concentrating their activities on the internationalization.

The project has been carried out from November 2016 to April 2018.

Currently, the offers of the companies interested in participating in the project are collected. It is worth noticing that the project gives the entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to promote their business locally and internationally.

For more information visit the office of Tarnow Industrial Cluster J.S.C.

or call +48 14 627 75 94.


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