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New companies in the Business Incubator, new workplaces!

16 / 02 / 2017

Zdjęcie New companies in the Business Incubator, new workplaces!

The Business Incubator hired out!

The latest spaces in the Business Incubator hired out! As a result, both the production hall and the office space has been rented in total. There are 14 companies operating in the Business Incubator.

Recently, The Tarnow Industrial Cluster has signed four new agreements what makes the place full. The first agreement on 2,393 m2 includes 1,667 m2 of the production space and has been signed with THC SPV7 providing services in the area of industrial automation (construction of complete production lines, wide range of assembly and measurement stations). The company has got the keys and is adapting in the new workspace.

Other agreements have been signed with the companies: Go-ERP providing IT services (the office space of 50m2), CLT-Budownictwo providing services of production of houses and smaller architecture, open-work panels, facade systems as well as everyday objects and furniture made with large panels and laminated wood CLT (the production space of 260 m2) and Yabimo providing services of production and welding of steel structures (the least office space of 100m2).

- It’s a great success to hire out the whole Business Incubator in over a year. We should keep in mind that the Business Incubator is directed to the companies starting a business or operating no longer that two years.- sums up the President of the Management Board Mrs Gadecka-Bukało.

The Business Incubator was put into use in December 2016. There is 2,119 m2 of the office space and 8,304 m2 of the production hall. The whole renovation and the creation of the Business Incubator is the part of the project “SAG III” implemented by the Municipality of the City of Tarnow.  The cost is 21 000 000 PLN. 9 000 000 PLN was funded by the Regional Operational Programme for Malopolska for 2007-2013.


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