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SPIN - Innovative services for entrepreneurs

27 / 06 / 2017
  • Author
  • Joanna

SPIN - developed with Małopolska Knowledge Transfer Centres - innovative services for entrepreneurs.

The project is implemented in three key specializations by four Knowledge Transfer Centers (units at universities). The Leader of the project is Małopolska Voivodship, Department of Regional Policy and it is responsible for the proper implementation of the project, and stays as a contact office for entrepreneurs who are interested in cooperation with the Knowledge Transfer Centres.


Biotechnology – Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology:



Balanced energy - energy efficient building - Malopolska Centre for Energy-Efficient Buidling



Renewable Energy Sources - Centre of Sustainable Development and Energy Saving in Miękinia



Information and communication technologies - Centre of Intelligent Information Systems



The offer is addressed to micro, small and medium enterprises from Małopolska. All the services provided by partners are available for free, funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the limit of de minimis aid.

The aim of the project is to connect science and business.

The Knowledge Transfer Centres offer the following services:

1) audits, which will define, among others, the general situation of the company and the situation of the industry, the proposal of technological solutions that will improve the company's competitiveness.

2) advice on how to apply for support in form of vouchers for innovation, on the analysis of competitiveness of contractors and purchasers of Research and Development works, preparation of documentation or research of a team.

See more at: https://www.spin.malopolska.pl/

We kindly encourage you to report your business and take advantage of the offered support.

The Knowledge Transfer Centres
Wielicka 72b, Kraków, Poland

Tel.: 12- 299 06 62
e-mail: spin@umwm.pl


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