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Polish-South Africa Trade and Investment Seminar - July 7, 2017.

03 / 07 / 2017

Polish Investment and Trade Agency organizes the Polish-South Africa Trade and Investment Seminar which will be held on July 12, 2017 at the Information Centre of Polish Investment and Trade Agency in Warsaw. 

The meeting will gather the representatives of South African business sector (under the GEDP - Global Executive Development Programme), including the chemical sector.

If you are interested, please register by filling in the Online Aplication Form. 

The meeting can be attended only by the registered participants. The registration deadline: July 7, 2017. Number of places is limited.

The plan of the meeting focuses on the presentation of both Polish and African business sides. The meeting will end up with a question and answer session as well as B2B conversations - either at the meeting or in the discussion rooms.

Please inform the organizers if you would like to participate in B2B meetings. Contact by e-mail: michal.bruszewski@paih.gov.pl

A detailed agenda of the Seminar will be published and sent to registered participants in a meantime.

The language of the meeting is English. Please be informed that there will be no Polish interpreter.

Visit: goafrica.gov.pl



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