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OpenLivingLab Days 2017 in Cracow - August 29 - September 01

04 / 08 / 2017

The Malopolska Region, Cracow Technology Park and partners invite you to the OpenLivingLab Days conference - "Multiple Helix Innovation without Boundaries", which take place from August 29 August to 1 September in Cracow.

OpenLivingLab Daysis the annual worldwide conference organized by the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) - an organization that unites companies and institutions using the living lab methodology in the processes of creating and verifying products and services in the area of technological innovation.

The annual 4 day event includes interactive sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels with excursions and off-site visits with the aim of giving the participants a wider insight about models, theories and technologies related to Living Labs. Participants have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject and to network with other Living Lab enthusiasts.

The OpenLivingLabDays conference will host more than 250 participants representing research centers, companies and representatives of local governments forming the ENoLL association. Participants of the conference will be representatives from countries such as Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, as well as guests from Australia, Brazil, Colombia, China, Mexico, Canada and the United States.

The strategic partners of the OpenLivingLab Days 2017 conference are: the Municipality of Cracow and the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region. The event is also organized in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University.
The conference was honorably sponsored by the AGH University of Science and Technology, the Krakow University of Technology and the Krakow University of Economics.

Read more at https://openlivinglabdays.com/ and http://www.kpt.krakow.pl/park-technologiczny/livinglab.


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